The Top 10 Fitness Trends You Need to Know in 2024

Jun 24, 2024 - 12 min read
Fit woman stretching her leg outdoors against a blue sky with 'Trending Now!' text overlay, showcasing a vibrant and energetic fitness trend. (Fitness Trends)

We are deep in 2024, as a gym owner, have you been up to date with where the wind is blowing towards in the fitness industry trends?

Knowing the latest fitness trends helps you make smart choices about which equipment to buy, what classes to offer, and how to train your staff.

If you’re aware of the trends, you can adapt your gym to what people want, which means more customers will choose your gym over others.

It also helps you stay ahead of the competition and shows your clients that you’re up-to-date and professional.

In this article, we will go over 10 of the most striking top fitness trends that have been dominating the fitness market in 2024.

1. Wearable Technology

A woman looking at her smartwatch in a gym with digital health metrics displayed.

Without creating much suspense, we can tell you that as per the results of the annual ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, Wearable technology is the number 1 trend for this year.

Wearable technology encompasses a wide array of smart devices that individuals can wear or attach to their bodies.

These devices typically synced with smartphones or other digital platforms, have evolved far beyond simple step counters. Today’s wearables include:

  • Smartwatches
  • Fitness trackers
  • Heart rate monitors
  • GPS tracking devices
  • Smart clothing with embedded sensors

These devices provide an unprecedented level of real-time biometric data, including:

  • Heart rate and heart rate variability
  • Step counts and distance traveled
  • Active minutes and calories burned
  • Sleep quality and duration
  • Stress levels and recovery metrics
  • Blood oxygen levels
  • Skin temperature

The true power of wearable technology lies in its ability to personalize fitness experiences.

With these smart gadgets, trainers can keep an eye on how their clients are doing every step of the way.

They can see the little changes, like their sleep quality, heart rate, how many steps they have walked today, etc, and use that info to personalize their exercise routine even more.

It’s not just about counting steps or calories; it’s about making a plan that’s perfect for each person.

This tech also helps trainers and clients become a team, working together to hit those big fitness milestones.

2. Fitness Programs For Seniors

A senior man and woman practicing yoga together, smiling and enjoying their workout.

According to a report by the Administration of Community Living (ACL), the number of people aged 65 and older grew from 40.5 million in 2010 to 55.7 million in 2020—a 38% increase.

This number is expected to reach 94.7 million by 2060.

By 2040, the older population will be about 80.8 million, which is more than double the number in 2000.

Also, a study by the National Council of Aging (NCOA) found that 94.9% of adults aged 60 and older have at least one health condition, and 78.7% have two or more.

This shows a big need for special programs for seniors. The most common health issues for people over 65 include:

  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Depression

Regular exercise, including at least 150 minutes of cardio and some strength training, can help manage these conditions.

As fitness professionals, this trend in 2024 is something you can benefit from.

By creating programs aimed at seniors, you not only increase your revenue but also help improve the longevity of these seniors’ lives.

3. Fitness Programs For the Youth

A young man and woman in starting positions on an indoor track, ready for a race.

A study shows that only about 24% of kids aged 6 to 17 are active for 60 minutes every day.

This is concerning for parents because not having any physical activity enough early in life can lead to an energy imbalance—where kids use less energy than they eat—and can increase their risk of becoming overweight or obese.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), regular physical fitness activity can help children and teenagers lower their risk of health problems like:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity

In 2024, fitness professionals should focus on this important issue.

Personal trainers can take specialized courses in youth fitness training.

This will help them design fun workout routines that are suitable for young people.

It’s crucial that exercises for this age group are enjoyable and don’t feel like work. They need activities that seem like playing games.

That’s why it’s important for fitness pros to learn specifically about training young people.

What works for adults doesn’t always work for kids, who need extra care and motivation to stick to an exercise routine.

On this note, don’t miss our guide on keeping Gen Z members engaged in the gym.

4. Exercise For Weight Loss

A smiling woman holding a scale and measuring tape, indicating successful weight loss.

In the age of social media, new diets for losing weight pop up all the time.

Detox diets, raw food diets, and even the ice hack diet quickly catch people’s attention and make them think that’s all they need to do to lose weight.

But there’s a common problem with these trendy diets: they often ignore the important role of exercise in weight loss.

They usually focus on the idea of “calories in, calories out” as the only thing you need to do to lose weight.

While it’s true that managing calories and your overall nutrition is key to weight loss, exercise is just as important to ensure the weight you lose is the right kind of weight.

Your body weight includes fat, muscle, bones, and water. When we talk about weight loss, we really mean “fat loss.”

Regular exercise helps those trying to lose weight to burn more calories and build muscle so that they’re losing fat, not muscle.

This year, fitness professionals have a great chance to create exercise programs specifically for people who want to lose weight.

Losing weight isn’t just about looking better.

Even losing just 5% of your body weight can improve blood pressure for those with high blood pressure, help control blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, and ease joint pain for those with arthritis, thereby enhancing physical health.

You can develop exercise programs tailored to each of these groups to help them reach their health goals.

5. Importance of Certified Exercise Professionals

A smiling woman in a graduation cap and gown holding a certificate of graduation.

This year gym owners should pay close attention to the growing demand for certified fitness professionals.

This trend reflects a wider shift towards expertise and accountability in the fitness world.

Clients are becoming more educated about exercise science and are looking for trainers who have proven credentials.

Having certified staff can set your gym apart from competitors and build trust with members.

It shows that you’re committed to providing high-quality, safe, and effective fitness guidance.

Certified professionals are also more likely to stay up-to-date with the latest fitness research and techniques, which can help your gym stay current and innovative.

This can lead to better results for clients, increased member satisfaction, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Additionally, employing certified trainers may help reduce liability risks for your business.

As the fitness industry becomes more regulated, having qualified staff could also help you meet any new legal requirements that may emerge.

Overall, investing in certified professionals can enhance your gym’s reputation, improve member outcomes, and contribute to the long-term success of your business.

Check out our guide on the best online personal training courses.

6. Collaboration Between Fitness and Health Professionals

A businesswoman smiling and shaking hands with a colleague in an office setting.

In 2024, we’re seeing more fitness places working closely with healthcare groups.

This is happening because people are realizing that staying healthy isn’t just about working out - it’s about taking care of your whole body and mind.

Gyms and healthcare professionals are teaming up to help people get healthier in all areas of their lives.

For example, a doctor might tell a patient to start exercising, and then send them to a specific personal trainer or a gym that has a specialized program to help people with that particular health issue.

Or a gym might work with a hospital to create fitness programs for people recovering from injuries or illnesses.

This teamwork is good for everyone. It helps people get better care and support for their health goals.

It also helps gyms get more members and helps hospitals keep their patients healthier.

Plus, as health insurance companies see how exercise can prevent diseases, they’re more likely to cover gym memberships or fitness classes.

This trend is growing because it makes sense for everyone involved - the gyms, the healthcare providers, and most importantly, the people trying to get healthier.

7. Mobile Fitness Apps

A tablet displaying various fitness apps on a desk with a keyboard and mouse.

Mobile exercise apps are becoming a big deal for gym owners.

More and more people are using their phones for everything, including working out.

These apps let gym members track their workouts, set goals and see their progress right on their phones.

This is important for gym owners because it helps keep members engaged and coming back.

With an app, people can easily book classes, check gym schedules, and even get workout tips when they’re not at the gym.

This keeps your gym in their minds all the time. Apps can also send reminders about workouts or motivational messages, which can help members stick to their fitness plans.

For gym owners, these apps provide valuable data about what members like and how often they come in.

This information can help you make better decisions about what equipment to buy or what classes to offer.

Some fitness apps even let members connect with each other, creating a community feeling that makes people want to stay with your gym.

In a world where people expect everything to be convenient and personalized, having a good mobile app can make your gym stand out from others.

It shows that you’re modern and care about making fitness easy and fun for your members.

8. Exercise For Mental Health

A woman in a blue outfit meditating in a lotus pose in a serene park setting.

Ever since the long periods of isolation because of the pandemic, many people are realizing that exercise isn’t just good for their bodies - it’s also great for their minds.

This is why exercise for mental health is becoming a big trend that gym owners should know about.

Each year, depression impacts around 22 million American adults.

According to a study, approximately 1 in 6 adults will experience depression at some point in their lives.

They’re looking for ways to feel better without just taking medicine.

Exercise has been shown to help with these problems by making people feel happier, calmer, and more confident.

As a gym owner, you can tap into this trend by offering classes or programs that focus on mental wellness.

For example, you could start yoga or meditation classes that help people relax and feel less stressed.

You could also train your staff to understand how exercise affects mental health, so they can better help members who are exercising to feel better mentally.

By focusing on mental health, you can attract new members who might not have considered joining a gym before.

You might even partner with mental health professionals to create special programs. This trend is growing because people want to take care of their whole selves - mind and body together.

By embracing it, you can help your members improve their overall well-being and make your gym stand out from others.

9. Worksite Health Promotion

A man and woman enthusiastically pulling a rope in a tug of war competition in a park.

In 2024, more companies are focusing on keeping their workers healthy right at the workplace.

This is called worksite health promotion, and it’s a big opportunity for gym owners and fitness professionals.

Companies are realizing that healthy workers are happier, more productive, and take fewer sick days.

They’re looking for ways to help their employees exercise and stay fit, even during the workday.

This might mean setting up small gyms in office buildings, bringing fitness trainers to lead classes during lunch breaks, or offering online workout sessions for people working from home.

As a gym owner or fitness pro, you can get in on this trend by reaching out to local businesses.

You could offer special deals for company employees, create custom fitness programs for different types of jobs, or even run workshops on how to stay active at a desk job.

Some companies might want to hire you to come to their workplace regularly.

This trend is growing because it’s good for everyone - workers get convenient ways to stay healthy, companies get more productive employees, and you get more clients and income.

It’s also a chance to help people who might not usually go to a gym learn about the benefits of exercise.

By tapping into worksite health promotion, you can expand your business beyond your gym walls and help more people get fit and healthy.

10. Personal Training

A confident man with a towel around his neck smiling in a gym environment.

Personal training is still a big deal in the fitness world, and it’s changing in some exciting ways.

More people are looking for one-on-one help to reach their fitness goals, which is great news for gym owners and fitness pros.

One reason for this trend is that people are realizing everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

They want exercise plans made just for them. Also, as life gets busier, folks are willing to pay for expert help to make the most of their gym time.

They want results, and they know a personal trainer can help them get there faster.

Another factor is technology - trainers can now use apps and devices to track clients’ progress and adjust their plans easily.

This makes personal training more effective and appealing.

Plus, with more awareness about health issues, people are looking for trainers who can help with specific problems like back pain or weight loss after pregnancy.

For gym owners, offering great personal training can bring in more members and keep them coming back.

The key is to keep learning new skills and staying up-to-date with the latest fitness trends to give clients the best possible service.


As we look towards the second half of 2024, gyms are set to evolve with emerging fitness trends.

According to current sports medicine reports, the focus on holistic wellness, technology integration, and personalized experiences will likely shape the industry.

Gyms that adapt to these trends by offering diverse class options, leveraging data-driven insights, and creating community-centric spaces are poised to thrive.

While the fitness landscape continues to change, the core mission remains: helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals in innovative and engaging ways.


What is the trend in the fitness industry?

The trend is towards holistic wellness, personalized fitness experiences, and the integration of technology like AI, virtual reality, and wearables.

What is the latest fitness craze?

Hyrox, which is a global fitness competition that combines endurance and functional strength challenges is gaining popularity.

Digital transformation, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), inclusivity, diversity, and hybrid fitness models are key trends.

What is going on in the fitness industry?

There’s a focus on recovery and injury prevention, sustainable practices, and the rise of biohacking and wearable technology.

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Carmen Blanco Moreno

Marketing ES

Carmen is part of Virtuagym's marketing team, where her dedication to fitness and her passion for marketing allow her to stay updated on the latest trends in the industry. Her commitment to wellness and her creativity aim to inspire others to adopt a healthy lifestyle.